About Us
The development of new and quality products is the main goal of Manhole covers Ltd. Listening to the needs of our clients and the requirements of modern construction, we have developed this range of products. The MHC team has over 12 years of experience in the affiliate business, and we hope to continue to develop products according to Your needs.
The duct load capacity range from A15-F900 satisfies almost all the needs of efficient drainage systems, and the quality and ease of use guarantees customer satisfaction.
Drainage Channel is a separate part of production and sales within Manhole covers Ltd (later MHC).
Below you can find basic features and information about the products, and for specific technical details and orders, please send us an inquiry via the form to connect you with colleagues from that department.
For more information about Manhole covers Ltd, as well as that part of the product range, please visit our main page.
“Coming together is a beginning, staying together is progress, and working together is success.”
Henry Ford

MHC Channels STANDARDLINE-U NW, Polymer Concrete
A novelty in our product range are polymer concrete ducts, which are characterized by superior workmanship, modern materials and effective protection systems.
The range of dimensions and load-bearing capacities of the gratings makes them irreplaceable drainage systems.
Easy installation with a small number of elements and efficient drainage of surface water will satisfy all needs and situations.
The channel is made of polymer concrete, construction height 100-250 mm. The light width of the channel is 91 mm, construction width 131 mm, construction length 1000 mm.
The edges of the channel are reinforced with an angle made of hot-dip galvanized steel 4 mm thick which serves as a seat for laying of the cover grill with screw grille fastening.
The channel elements are made in five construction heights (cascade drop/fall). The upper edge of the grid is performed at a level of 2-5 mm below the level of the finished final surrounding surface.
MHC Standard Line-U cover grilles, loading capacity A15-F900 can be in perforated,
bridge, longitudinal profile, bar or mesh design. Depending on the load class, the grille materials can be made of AISI stainless steel 304, galvanized steel and cast iron.
- polymer concrete integrated drainage channel
- easy maintenance of the drainage system
- resistance to corrosion, frost and chemicals
- load class D400 according to hrn en 1433
- attractive and refined design
- high level of stability and extremely long service life
- audit elements allow easy access and cleaning of the inside of the channel
- easy handling without cranes and heavy tools
- possibility of installation for various floor coverings
Range of light opening dimensions:
91-346 mm
External width range:
131-406 mm
Channel height range:
100-500 mm
Standard duct lengths:
500 and 1000 mm
Additional elements:
Collector, front elements and front element with outlet
Standard capacities:
A15, B125, C250, D400, E600 and F900
HR EN 1433

MHC channels STANDARDLINE-V NW, Polymer Concrete
A novelty in our product range are polymer concrete channels that are characterized by superior workmanship, modern materials and effective protection systems.
The range of dimensions and load-bearing capacities of the gratings makes them indispensable in drainage systems.
Easy installation with a small number of elements and efficient drainage of surface water will satisfy all needs and situations.
MHC KerbDrain 320, polymer concrete curb with integrated drainage channel with 100 mm clear(light)-width opening, load class D400, with two side absorbent holes, groove application groove for waterproof joint of elements, length 70.0 cm, width 15.0 cm, construction height 32.0 cm.
For curbs 14.0 cm high.
Weight 40.0 kg.
MHC KerbDrain 320, revised polymer concrete element, with cast iron cover plate 27.8 x 10.0 cm, load class D400. The element is 50.0 cm long, 15.0 cm wide, construction height 32.0 cm and weight 34.0 kg, with integrated optional opening for vertical pipe connection DN100.
- easy maintenance of the drainage system
- resistance to corrosion, frost and chemicals
- monolithic way of connecting elements with the possibility of sealing
- safe and fast drainage of water from roads thanks to the side openings of 147cm2/m
- high level of stability and extremely long service life
- revision elements allow easy access and cleaning of the inside of the curb
- light weight -60% lighter than a standard concrete curb
- easy handling without cranes and heavy tools
Range of light opening dimensions:
100-300 mm
External width range:
135-360 mm
Channel height range:
100-380 mm
Standard duct lengths:
500 and 1000 mm
Additional elements:
Collector, front elements and front element with outlet
Standard capacities:
A15, B125, C250, D400, E600 and F900
HR EN 1433

MHC curb, KERBDRAIN 320, Polymer Concrete
A novelty in our product range are polymer concrete curbs that are characterized by superior workmanship, modern materials and effective protection systems.
Kerbdrain systems are easy to maintain, and the 700mm length of one element makes it easy to install.The possibility of combining with other polymer elements makes them indispensable in systems drainage.
The D400 load capacity allows installation in almost all surface water drainage systems.
Due to the specific V-section, the canal is characterized by a higher water flow rate and a better effect of
self-cleaning. The channel is made of polymer concrete, construction height 100 - 250 mm. Light channel width is 100 mm, construction width 135 mm, construction length 1000 mm. The edges of the channel are reinforced with an angle made of hot-dip galvanized steel 4 mm thick which serves as a seat for laying of the cover grill with screw grille fastening. The channel elements are performed in five building heights (cascade drop/fall).
MHC Standard Line-V cover grills, loading capacity A15-F900 can be in perforated, bridge, longitudinal profile, bar or mesh design. Depending on the load class, the grille materials can be made of AISI stainless steel 304, galvanized steel and cast iron.
- polymer concrete integrated drainage channel
- easy maintenance of the drainage system
- resistance to corrosion, frost and chemicals
- load class D400 according to hrn en 1433
- attractive and refined design
- high level of stability and extremely long service life
- audit elements allow easy access and cleaning of the inside of the channel
- easy handling without cranes and heavy tools
- possibility of installation for various floor coverings
Light opening dimension:
100 mm
External channel dimension:
150/120 mm
Channel height:
320 mm
Additional elements:
Revised element, Low curb
Load class:

SLOTLINE SINGLE, Polymer Concrete, D400
MHC SLOTLINE SINGLE, Polymer Concrete, D400
A novelty in our product range are polymer concrete slotted channels, which are characterized by superior workmanship, modern materials and effective protection systems.
Easy installation and top quality will satisfy all aesthetic and technical requirements of our clients.
The D400 load capacity allows installation in almost all surface water drainage systems.
Slotline channels are an indispensable element of drainage on landscaped areas, and with an installation height of covering elements of 82 mm, meets all requirements when arranging squares, courtyards and other public areas
MHC SlotLine Single 200V line drainage channel has load capacity A15 to D400 all according to HR EN 1433.
Due to the specific V-section, the canal is characterized by a higher water flow rate and a better effect of
self-cleaning. The channel is made of polymer concrete, construction height 190 mm. Light opening width is 200 mm, construction width 250 mm, construction length 1000 mm. Channel edges from hot-dip galvanized steel that serves as a seat for laying the cover grille.
MHC SLOTLINE SINGLE V200 cover grille for load capacity D400 according to HR EN 1433 (heavy
traffic) made of hot-dip galvanized steel with a gap of 20 mm.
The grid is 13.0 cm high and 100 cm long.
The channel is made by laying on a concrete base brand B25 with a layer thickness of 15 cm, the channel is laterally covered with concrete. The upper edge of the grille is made at the level of 2 - 5 mm below the level of the finished final surrounding surface.
- polymer concrete integrated drainage channel
- easy maintenance of the drainage system
- resistance to corrosion, frost and chemicals
- load class D400 according to HRN EN 1433
- attractive and refined design
- high level of stability and extremely long service life
- revision elements allow easy access and cleaning of the inside of the channel
- easy handling without cranes and heavy tools
- possibility of installation for various floor coverings
Dimension of the light opening:
200 mm
External dimensions of the channel:
250x1000 mm
Channel height:
190 mm
Additional elements:
Slotline single revision element, Slotline single collector
Load class:

MONOBLOCK NW SYSTEM, Polymer Concrete, F900
MHC MONOBLOCK NW SYSTEM, Polymer Concrete, F900
A novelty in our product range are polymer concrete channels that are characterized by superior workmanship, modern materials and effective protection systems.
MONOBLOK ducts with their ease of installation have become an indispensable part of the construction in the most demanding drainage systems.
The carrying capacity of the F900 class will meet the technical needs of airports and seaports.
The channel for line drainage of rainwater according to the MHC MONOBLOK NW system has a monolithic anthracite or beige polymer concrete duct body with grill-shaped openings. The channel is intended for the performance of line drainage along the length and perpendicular to roads and highways. Construction length 100 cm, construction width 20 cm, light opening width 14.6 cm, total height 27 cm, weight 50.0 kg, for load class F900 in accordance with HRN EN 1433.
It is installed by placing the channel on a wet concrete base. In case you need to achieve a watertight connection between the body of the channel, apply PU sealant such as Sikaflex PRO3 WF to the factory-defined slots. The upper edge of the channel is run at the level of 2-5mm below the level of the finished final surrounding surface.
- monolithic polymer concrete construction for superior stability in the most extreme conditions
- corrosion resistance, frost and chemicals
- load class F900 according to HRN EN 1433
- attractive and refined design without detachable parts
- high level of stability and extremely long service life
- revision elements allow easy access and cleaning of the inside of the channel
- large absorbent surface for quick drainage
Range of light opening dimensions:
146 - 340 mm
Channel width:
200 - 400 mm
Duct lengths:
500 and 1000 mm
Additional elements:
Collector, Frontal element and Front element with spout
Load class:
According to the LOAD CLASS CRITERIA, standard EN124-2 classifies products into groups and load classes according to the place provided for installation:
Class A 15
Green surface areas, small loads areas such as courtyards, garden etc.
Class B 125
Hiking trails, pedestrian areas, parking for cars, etc.
Class C 250
Areas of road edge sections measured from the edge curbs extend up to 0.50 m along the pavement.
Class D 400
Traffic roads – including pedestrian streets, parking lots for all types of road vehicles, expressways, etc.
Class E 600
Areas that impose heavy wheel loads such as which are ports, port areas, airport sidewalks
Class F 900
Areas that impose particularly heavy loads wheels, such as airfields, etc.
Contact Us
We operate from multiple offices. Based on your inquiry, one of the employees will contact you.
Slavonska avenija 1C, Zagreb
Matrix offices: Vienna, Belgrade, Zagreb, Ljubljana